Ideology is key in each genre, as each genre will have a
representation that is vital to the establishment of the magazines theme and
therefore attract the correct demographic of readers.
An easy way for the
magazine to show this is through not only the colours and fonts used, but also
through the visual appearance of the artist or image on the cover. Each artist
will have a look tailored to appeal to the people who listen to their style of
music. This will provoke either an attraction to this style, causing desire to
be part of the genre, or will create a sense of comfort with a style that the
reader has already found to represent them and their preferences. Both of these
will cause 2 similar things, an initial attraction, followed by high chances of
purchasing the magazine.
For example, this magazine shows key tropes that would
attract the target audience of Elle. Elle’s media kit says, “The vast majority (82
percent) of Elle's
audience are women between the ages of 18 and 49. Its readers have a median age
of 34.7 years. Forty percent of
the readers are single, and the median
household income is $69,973. "Our readers are young enough to
think about life as an adventure and old enough to have the means to live
it", said Roberta Myers, editor in chief.” This is reinforced in many
aspects of the cover. In particular the masthead, which contains the name
“ELLE”. When translated, “Elle” is French for “She”, again showing that the
magazine is aimed at women. The cover balances a light hearted look with a more
serious fashionable look, perhaps linking to the personality of the reader
contrasting with more serious, high paid jobs they do, which explains the high
median household income.